Friday, August 28, 2020

Hemingway’s Writing Style Essay

From nearly the start of his composing profession, Hemingway’s particular style occasioned a lot of remark and contention. Essentially, his style is basic, direct, and unadorned, likely because of his initial paper preparing. He dodges the descriptor at whatever point conceivable, but since he is an ace at transmitting feeling without the colorful composition of his Victorian writer ancestors, the impact is undeniably all the more telling. In Observations on the Style of Ernest Hemingway, from â€Å"Contexts of Criticism† by Harry Levin (Harvard University Press, 1957), the pundit says: â€Å"Hemingway puts his accentuation on things on the grounds that, among different grammatical forms, they come nearest to things. Leading them on by methods for conjunctions, he approximates the genuine progression of experience. † Hemingway has frequently been portrayed as an ace of discourse, and most perusers concur, after being first acquainted with his composition, that â€Å"this is the manner in which these characters would truly talk. † It is intriguing to note, in any case, that Hemingway’s one endeavor at playwriting was a disappointment. As a matter of fact, a nearby assessment of his discourse will uncover this is infrequently the manner in which individuals truly talk. The impact is practiced, rather, by the determined accentuation and reiteration which causes us to recollect what has been said. Since the pundits can't completely concede to Hemingway’s style, maybe the most ideal path is to placed it into the author’s own words. In a matter of seconds before his sad passing, Hemingway provided for the Wisdom Foundation in California an assortment of his perceptions on life and craftsmanship, love and demise. They were distributed in the January 1963, issue of Playboy magazine, and in them Hemingway said of his composition: I do the majority of my work in my mind. I never start to compose until my thoughts are all together. Often I present entries of exchange as it is being composed; the ear is a decent blue pencil. I never set down a sentence on paper until I have it so communicated that it will be obvious to anybody. However, I some of the time feel that my style is intriguing as opposed to coordinate. The peruser should regularly utilize his creative mind or lose the most inconspicuous piece of my musings. I make careful arrangements with my work, pruning and updating with an enthusiastic hand. I have the government assistance of my manifestations especially on a basic level. I cut them with interminable consideration, and polish them until they become brilliants. What numerous another author would be substance to leave in huge extents, I clean into a minuscule diamond. Hemingway goes on at some length, however the embodiment of what he says might be in this section: A writer’s style ought to be immediate and individual, his symbolism rich and gritty, and his words straightforward and lively. The best journalists have the endowment of splendid curtness, are diligent employees, steady researchers and skilled beauticians. To clarify Hemingway’s style satisfactorily in a couple of passages is unthinkable. Scores of articles, and even a few books, have been composed regarding the matter, and it is to these that the genuine understudy ought to go for extra, increasingly nitty gritty data.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Brand Extension Marketing Plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Brand Extension Marketing Plan - Research Paper Example Lavington Green Village is a home that is primarily comprised of high class people who live sumptuous lives. In this way, the clients for the most part request items that will improve their expectations for everyday comforts or increment their ways of life. Low class items don't affect the market since the individuals as of now have the item. This is known from the insights taken by Clean-So Company. Optional market slants; these will be momentary value changes in the market which may keep going for just a couple of days or weeks. Under this pattern, the costs may rise or may fall. This pattern will influence the manner by which the clients see the item since; clients may sum up a cost increment to have influenced all the items in the market (Winer, 2004). Mainstream showcase pattern; under this pattern, clients are probably going to change their preferences and inclinations since the pattern is long haul. Essential market pattern; this pattern will likewise impact the clients since it goes on for a year or more. In this manner, by toward the finish of one entire year the clients will have changed to different items (EconomyWatch, 2010). The market is developing since; insights show that there has been a ceaseless increment in the clients of the items every year. The populace likewise continues expanding and consequently, the clients of the items continue expanding in number. The development patterns watched incorporates cyclic and exponential patterns. This is prove by the information which shows that the quantities of clients have been expanding exponentially. A developing business sector infers an expanding request and thus; the organization will address it by expanding the yield. Qualities; the organization has three key qualities which incorporate; it has a solid showcasing unit and subsequently can draw in countless clients. The organization likewise has qualified and experienced workers. Thirdly, it has the quality of being imaginative and inventive. Be that as it may, the organization

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

What You Dont Know About 100 Topics for Essay Writing

What You Don't Know About 100 Topics for Essay Writing The Principles of 100 Topics for Essay Writing That You Can Learn From Beginning Today Now that you're finished with your essay writing, it's time to recheck your content. In case the essay targets kids, use simple language so they will be able to grasp your opinions. Your essay is going to be analyzed for readability. Writing an essay may be a simple procedure but writing a quality one is a true bear. Things You Won't Like About 100 Topics for Essay Writing and Things You Will Once the ideas are no longer pinging about your brain, after your mind is empty, you want to stand up and go do something different. Some offer writing help even though others revolve around editing. There are just a few things that define whether an essay you're working on is going to be a good one. Application essays about challenges reveal how you respond to difficulty to folks who are rather interested in how you'll deal with the subsequent f our years by yourself. The Basics of 100 Topics for Essay Writing Writing Kit is yet another blended learning app you may use to compose your essays and blogs. The Internet has resulted in a more laid back attitude once it comes to grammar in content marketing, largely because of the informality of texting, email, and societal media. In addition, it permits you to export your work into a variety of applications including Omni Focus (an app which can help boost productivity) and Things. The 5-Minute Rule for 100 Topics for Essay Writing It is necessary to pick the topic for your application essay that fits you best. The essay is just one of the significant approaches it is possible to distinguish yourself. Stephen's essay is quite effective. Now that you're aware that we are the ideal online essay writing service to work with, don't hesitate to stop by our site and order an essay. There's a particular procedure of how essays ought to be written. If you have the assistance of the ideal essay writing service, you can refrain from worrying about your application essay. Before you begin thinking about specific essay prompts, we think that it's important that you think of what makes you unique. The custom essays are created by professional and they're well structured. With Todoist, you may make a personalized schedule for each and every day. For the reason, it can help to create decent writing skills while still in high school. If you're a teacher who is searching for basic methods and a few deeper things to consider in regards to inspiring your students to write, you have arrived at the perfect spot! The very first and the main thing for students to do is to make sure they take their topic and subject most seriously and make efforts to comprehend what they are about. The Good, the Bad and 100 Topics for Essay Writing By comparison, there are assorted app s on the iPad that you can utilize to compose your essays or blog posts. Don't neglect to confirm the access to resources the topics that you consider. Many trustworthy writing services are eager to provide essay help. If you're applying to a college that doesn't accept the Common App, you will have to answer their particular essay questions. Sometimes you need to compose an essay for an area of the college admissions process. Among the keys to winning a huge scholarship in your college is to compose a superb application essay. Likewise an appropriate topic for the application essay highlights the best qualities of a student and provides the admission officers an opportunity to be aware of the applicant. When you want an example written by means of a student check out our vast selection of absolutely free student models. The Lost Secret of 100 Topics for Essay Writing Finally, the author must express her or his opinion about the topic he or she'll discuss. To conclude, w riting a post is a daunting and tiresome job. Try out another topic and do the very same 5-minute writing test till you locate a topic you know you can readily write on. By abiding By the mentioned steps, the student or writer can be certain of inventing a nice and suitable essay topic. The 100 Topics for Essay Writing Stories All you have to do is consult with an expert customized essay writing service like ours that is guaranteed to submit all of your assigned work in time. There isn't anything wrong in making use of a custom writing service provided that you understand how to choose the most legitimate, trustworthy, and respectable service provider. Moreover, it's a relatively simple and good means to deliver information. Get It NowOct 13, 2016 When you're a portion of the educational system, it's no doubt that you're going to be assigned some paper writing tasks.

Friday, May 15, 2020

The Internet and video games, which are closely related,...

The Internet and video games, which are closely related, are becoming very common activities among children or young people in general. Many children are spending almost two thirds of their time in front of a computer or a play station with less restriction from their busy parents. It is not surprising that video gaming industry is worth multibillion dollars, overtaking some industries such as DVDS and movies. Today most of the video games are played through the internet, which allow children to play with other individuals who are online without having to meet physically. Since, the internet and video games have both negative and positive impacts on children, it will only to mention some of these positive impacts before looking at the†¦show more content†¦Since children brains are not completely developed, they usually do not know to differentiate the fiction from the real thing. In fact, most of them continue to live a fictions life even in their adulthood. This results to lose of social skills and they find it very hard to engage in teamwork or any other activity involving clear communication. Children are only left to exist in their own world or interact with artificial machine, but lack even a single friend in the real world. These are the same children that will have nothing to share about their childhood and in most case, they will end up raising the same or worse kind of children (Lawrence 540). Most of the parents have no idea of the content of the video games they buy for their children, whereas information is around the Internet. Another study shown that adolescent girls engaged in video games for less than six hours in average, with boys spending over 12 hour in average per week (Khan 8). This shows that the boy child is more exposed and that video gaming is cutting across the gender groups. With control from teachers, parents, and responsible adults, the video games can assist the children to avoid or minimize stress faced on their daily life. However, video games are only beneficial when played for a limited and right time. When playedShow MoreRelatedInternet Addiction: Government Policy or Personal Responsibility?4485 Words   |  18 PagesInternet Addiction: An issue of government policy or a personal responsibility? BIS 421/CSS 411 - Spring 2010 â€Å"Why is it drug addicts and computer aficionados are both called users?† – Clifford Stoll Introduction There is no doubt the presence of the internet is increasing at a rapid pace. A Pew Internet and American Life Project study finds two thirds of all Americans use the internet to frequently participate in internet related activities (Fellows, 2008). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Childhood Innocence In JD Salingers Catcher In The Rye

â€Å"The notion of innocence refers to childrens simplicity, their lack of knowledge, and their purity not yet spoiled by mundane affairs† according to Oxford Bibliography. Many people think of children as a representation of innocence. To them, childhood innocence vacates over time and doesn’t hold value or much importance. In Catcher in the Rye, it embodies much more significance. All of the qualities of childhood innocence mentioned from Oxford Bibliography hold significance in this symbolistic story. In Catcher in the Rye, JD Salinger depicts the comforting escape of childhood innocence while transitioning to the adult world. Salinger demonstrates symbolism when he shows Holden expresses the desire to conserve his past as he transitions†¦show more content†¦Along with Phoebe, his red hunting hat obtains a similar amount of value to him. Salinger symbolizes the hat as protection from adulthood and his depression. Phoebe, who symbolizes childhood innocence, acts as an escape from adulthood and depression. With this, Holden decides to give his hat to Phoebe, preserving the innocence. Even though these contain the most value, when moving on, he lets them go to start his new life and preserve its importance. When Salinger shows Holden restricting himself from going into the museum and giving his hunting hat to Phoebe, he demonstrates symbolism. Salinger utilizes setting to show the importance of childhood innocence. Not only does Holden cherish childhood innocence, but he worries about what can damage it. When at Phoebe’s school, Holden notices a phrase on the wall that makes him worry about k ids at the school. Holden says â€Å"I saw something that drove me crazy. Somebody’d written ‘Fuck you’ on the wall. It drove me damn near crazy. I thought how Phoebe and all the other little kids would see it and how they’d wonder what it meant† (221). Phoebe’s school represents innocence because of the kids that spend their day there playing and learning. The writing on the wall shocks him. It worries him that Phoebe and the little kids would see it, later figuring out what it meant and losing their innocence. Another example Salinger gives of Holden noticing the childhoodShow MoreRelatedEssay about J.D. Salingers Development of Holden Caulfield1174 Words   |  5 Pagestheir own life as inspiration towards their works and characters. J.D. Salinger’s character development of Holden Caulfield has been affected by Salinger’s complications in his school life, devastating past relationships, and overwhelming traumatic events dur ing his pre-The Catcher in the Rye adulthood. J.D. Salinger’s school life had many significant events that are shown through Holden Caulfield in The Catcher in the Rye. In the novel, the 17-year-old Holden Caulfield leaves Pencey Prep. InRead MoreCatcher in the Rye4413 Words   |  18 PagesThe Catcher in the Rye â€Å"Is The Catcher in the Rye, as a work of literature still relevant for today’s youth?† Name: Sara Sigurdson Course: English A1 Supervisor: Mr. Peter Steadman Word count: 3851 Candidate number: 00136022 Table of Contents Content Page Number Abstract 3 Introduction 4 The Actual Catcher in the Rye 4 The Sexual Matter 5 The Caulfield Family 6 Narrator and Protagonist 8 Role Model 9 Mr. Antolini 10 Targeted Audience 10 Guidance 12 Read More Importance of Language in The Catcher in the Rye Essay1711 Words   |  7 Pages   Ã‚  Ã‚   The Catcher in the Rye, like many other great works, was met by scornful criticism and unyielding admiration. However, many literary critics also marveled at Salingers use of language, which was used to make Holden Caulfield, the main character, extremely realistic. Such language includes both repetition of phrases and blatant cursing, in order to capture the informal speech of the average, northeastern American adolescent. Through Holdens thoughts and dialogues, Salinger successfully createdRead MoreEtymology and Symbolism of Characters Names in Catcher in the Rye1967 Words   |  8 PagesNames in Catcher in the Rye      Ã‚  Ã‚   Catcher in the Ryes pallid cover, adorned only with seven multicolored bands in its upper-left corner, is not what one would call eye-catching. Its reverse side lacks criticisms or reviews of any sort; in fact, it is bare of anything except a copyright date. Human beings are advised not to judge books by their covers, rather that they should look further than the obvious and try to apprehend the implied meaning. The world has peered past Catcher in the

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Ernest Hemingways Writing Style free essay sample

Ernest Hemingway once wrote ‘If a writer of prose knows enough of what he is writing about he may omit things that he knows and the reader, if the writer is writing truly enough, will have a feeling of those things as strongly as though the writer had stated them. The dignity of movement of an ice-berg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water. A writer who omits things because he does not know them only makes hollow places in his writing. ’ This is one of Hemingway’s most potent qualities as he is able to paint an extremely large picture, using a very small canvas. PhD student Daniel Wood states in regard to this principle â€Å"After just a moment’s contemplation, then, a handful of carefully chosen words can yield great depths of meaning and allow us to glimpse a narrative far more elaborate than what actually appears on the page†. We will write a custom essay sample on Ernest Hemingways Writing Style or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As a frame for this ‘iceberg theory’, Hemingway uses his life experiences, and drew them out further with what if scenarios, like for example ‘what if I was injured and then returned to the front’. The last scene strongly reflects the ‘iceberg principle’, where Henry walks from the hospital into the rain after Catherine dies. Does his walk alone in the rain represent emotional freedom or devastation? This scene is full of symbolism; hence the portion of iceberg beneath the surface is immense. The ‘six word story’ demonstrates the power of the ‘iceberg principle’, even though it is debatably not Hemingway’s creation. This story is an incomparable example of this principle, for such a minute piece of writing paints a much larger picture. Hemingway’s style of writing is notorious for the use of a specific code that the protagonist abides. This is known as the ‘code hero’, and Hemingway’s style of writing is depicted through the use of his code hero. In reference to A Farewell to Arms, Hemingway writes ‘I opened up my holster, took the pistol, aimed at the one who had talked the most, and fired. I missed and they both started to run. I shot three times and dropped one’. This scene portrays the irrationality of war; however Hemingway does not illustrate any emotions that the protagonist, Henry, feels throughout the course of the murder. This demonstrates how Hemingway will never talk about the protagonist’s beliefs, and instead he will describe the actions rather than focus on describing his thoughts. Hemingway writes with concise, vivid dialogue and exact descriptions of places and things. He believed that ‘a writers style should be direct and personal, his imagery rich and earthy, and his words simple and vigorous’. An Example of the Hemingway’s concise dialogue is depicted in this scene between Henry and Catherine. â€Å"’You do love me? ’(Catherine)†I really love you. I’m crazy about you. (Henry)†You really love me? † â€Å"Don’t keep on saying that†. In conclusion, Hemingway’s writing style is simple, straightforward and modest on the surface, but includes many metaphors and further meanings to what seem ordinary words and phrases. Hemingways prose is unadorned as a result of his abstaining from using adjectives as much as p ossible. Hemingway creates a code hero throughout his novels, and because he is a master of transmitting emotion without embellishing it, his characters are embroidered with unique and surprisingly sophisticated character traits.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Confucianism And Christianity Essays (694 words) - Confucianism

Confucianism And Christianity The premise of Confucian teachings are centered around the idea of Jen or the ?virtue of humanity (Ching 68).? To accomplish this divinity, five relationships must be honored: ruler and minister, father and son, husband and wife, elder and younger brother, and friend and friend (Hopfe). These relationships led a push for a revolution of the political system to adopt the methods of Jen. Confucius sought to revive the ancient Chinese culture by redefining the importance of society and government. He described a society governed by ?reasonable, humane, and just sensibilities, not by the passions of individuals arbitrarily empowered by hereditary status? (Clearly). He felt that this could be achieved through education and the unification of cultural beliefs. He believed that a nation would be benefited by citizens that were ?cultivated people whose intellects and emotions had been developed and matured by conscious people? (Clearly). He felt that those born into the feudal system were had a personal duty to excel socially by means of power. Those who were of lesser class should also seek out education to better themselves. All purposes for betterment of man and society as one whole is known as Li. Li means ?the rationalized social order? (Yutang). Confucius felt that love and respect for authority was a key to a perfect society; this strict respect was practiced through rituals and magic (Smith). The Confucius traditions have caused a tradition to set within its institution and is extremely active. It has, unfortunately, allowed the political institution to manipulate the Confucius system. As with Christianity. Christianity also preaches a divine, brotherly love. Modern Christianity seeks to discover a ?rational understanding of the person? as did Confucius (Ess ed. 381); yet, Christianity feels that faith in the Jesus Christ as a personal savior is essential to this enlightenment. It was also under the guise of Christianity that it had to confront totalitarian systems ?[dehumanize] uses of power in its sphere of influence (state and church, and [these] systems triumphed under the banner of de-Christianization (Ess ed. 384). Unlike Confucius reformers of their corrupt state pushed the beliefs of the true ideals of Confucius, Christians believed in an ?Absolute against all absolving of the relative, can protest in the name of God (Ess ed. 384).? Some would argue that Confucius did support and an Absolute, but he described it as the entirety of Heaven. Several scholars believe that his Heaven was analogous to the God unto which Christians served. Christians feel that in order to also gain a Jen-like status one must have a serious relationship with the church and Jesus Christ himself. Confucius differed in that they feel that the body, mind and soul must be recognized as one to reach Jen (Smith). Through education or ritual practices one gains wealth. With wealth one achieved power. These are the essentials to living a good life (O?Bri?re). However, relationships between men is the most desirable. These aspects are the embodiment of Li. Li was love for authority and respect for others (Alexander). Christianity also looks at wealth in a slightly different manner. ?At the heart of the Christian faith and at its source of its traditions in Scripture is the belief in a covenant (Carmen 17).? It is the promise between God and the individual that ensures (through faith) that one?s kindly actions on Earth will be divinely awarded. The five relationships of Jen are also honored in Christianity with references to ?Honor thy father and mother, for this is the first commandment with promise (Ephesians 6:1).? It is prevalent that Christianity and Confucius are very similar in their philosophy. Some would argue that Confucius lack of a strong theology is its failure to comply with the Christian ethics. Others would say it is there drive to be a virtuous individual compensates for this tedium. They equally feel that relationships with neighbors and family is an integral part of becoming virtuous. Even the spiritual outlook on the self is equivalent in the sense of purification. Christians rely on the teachings of Jesus while the Confucius look towards those who have wealthy estates. This point conveys that Christians may be more dependent on their spiritual guidance opposed to the Confucius examination of the worldly infrastructure of trial and error. Thus it is not surprising that when faced with a choice of both religions, an individuals merit may be the deciding factor on which is more ideal for them.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Free Essays on The Incredible Journey

Character description Tao, a Siamese cat, is relatively timid. A â€Å"scardy cat† if you will. During this journey of a lifetime, Tao is a scared, dependant, whiny, boring character! During the journey across the wilderness Tao gets scared and is comforted by Bodger. I think she complains way too much, she is afraid of every thing, and she has no use! But then again, no cats have a use. Bodger, an English Bull Terrier, is brave, most of the time, but still kind of stupid too! He makes stupid moves and gets in trouble more than once and gets him self hurt just as many times! He’s kind of like Roger from â€Å"Sister Sister†. I think he would be a good dog to have but not as good as my dogs! Then Luath, the Labrador retriever, is a courageous, kind, wise, old dog, which is very loving and understanding. I think he’s kind of like Shawn Connery in the James Bond, 007 movies! During their journey, when Tao becomes scared Luath takes it upon himself to comfort her. Luath leads Tao and Bodger through the Canadian wilderness to find their family successfully. Summary The story begins with three pets named Tao, whom is a Siamese cat, Bodger whom is an English Bull Terrier and Luath whom is a Labrador retriever. They live in Ontario, Canada with their family. The three pets are dropped off at a farm because their family is going on a trip for vacation, to Los Angeles, even though it’s just for the weekend, the pets still very are worried. They think that their family is leaving them. Luath, the take-charge kind-of dog, leads Tao and Bodger on a journey of a lifetime, over 250 miles across the Canadian wilderness, in order to get home to their vacationing family. They go over mountainous hills, canyon like rivers and even fight vicious, wild beast like dogs. The animals had to spend the night out in the wide-open Canadian fields. Tao, of course, was scared of the noises that the wild animals made and so Luath courageously slept wi... Free Essays on The Incredible Journey Free Essays on The Incredible Journey Character description Tao, a Siamese cat, is relatively timid. A â€Å"scardy cat† if you will. During this journey of a lifetime, Tao is a scared, dependant, whiny, boring character! During the journey across the wilderness Tao gets scared and is comforted by Bodger. I think she complains way too much, she is afraid of every thing, and she has no use! But then again, no cats have a use. Bodger, an English Bull Terrier, is brave, most of the time, but still kind of stupid too! He makes stupid moves and gets in trouble more than once and gets him self hurt just as many times! He’s kind of like Roger from â€Å"Sister Sister†. I think he would be a good dog to have but not as good as my dogs! Then Luath, the Labrador retriever, is a courageous, kind, wise, old dog, which is very loving and understanding. I think he’s kind of like Shawn Connery in the James Bond, 007 movies! During their journey, when Tao becomes scared Luath takes it upon himself to comfort her. Luath leads Tao and Bodger through the Canadian wilderness to find their family successfully. Summary The story begins with three pets named Tao, whom is a Siamese cat, Bodger whom is an English Bull Terrier and Luath whom is a Labrador retriever. They live in Ontario, Canada with their family. The three pets are dropped off at a farm because their family is going on a trip for vacation, to Los Angeles, even though it’s just for the weekend, the pets still very are worried. They think that their family is leaving them. Luath, the take-charge kind-of dog, leads Tao and Bodger on a journey of a lifetime, over 250 miles across the Canadian wilderness, in order to get home to their vacationing family. They go over mountainous hills, canyon like rivers and even fight vicious, wild beast like dogs. The animals had to spend the night out in the wide-open Canadian fields. Tao, of course, was scared of the noises that the wild animals made and so Luath courageously slept wi...

Monday, February 24, 2020

Criminal Identification Procedures in the Twenty-First Century Essay

Criminal Identification Procedures in the Twenty-First Century - Essay Example However, because these advances are still so new it is not always possible to understand their full implication. Do they have unintended consequences? Are they really as useful as they appear? And perhaps more importantly will we become so reliant on this technology that we throw away good old sleuthing techniques and human controls and simply let technology take over? These are all incredibly important questions that we must think carefully about. This essay will examine some of these questions by looking at the pros and cons of specific technological advances. In the criminal justice system there are two opposing modes of looking of how to deal with criminals. The first is the due process model. The gist of this model is that an individual can never be deprived of basic human rights no matter how horrible a crime he or she has committed. Even to put someone in prison is to take away the criminal’s inalienable right to liberty and there must be many appeals and a thoroughly scrutinized process to ensure that everything is done by the book. At its heart the due process model would rather see nine guilty people on the street than one innocent person in prison. The end result of this mode requires many hours of painstaking work by humans checking and rechecking evidence and the court case moving very slowly through the system. The second mode of looking at criminal justice is the Criminal Control Mode. This system puts a high value on locking up guilty people. It focuses on protecting citizens from criminals as quickly as possible. Und er this system more money is spent on policing and deterring and prosecuting criminals as quickly as possible so that the police and prosecutors can move on quickly to the next batch. If an innocent person is caught in the net, that is a tragedy, but what is important is that many bad guys got caught too.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Examination of Curriculum and Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Examination of Curriculum and Assessment - Essay Example plan for learners in grade 3-5 the curriculum is well designed as it meets most of the requirements in terms of the objectives of the study the deliverables that are expected out of the learning process and the entire process it topped up with a comprehensive assessment that will test the level of comprehension of the learners to ascertain if the objectives of the course were indeed met. The course is fashioned in the right manner and it will serve of great significance to the students since the knowledge that they will gain revolves around the daily experiences in their lives, especially in the American society where the issue of immigration is a significant problem since there is an influx of a vast number of unregistered immigrants who illegally cross over the border to seek refuge in the country. Some of the learners may be experiencing this problem first hand, thus the lesson will tend to give them knowledge and facts about the issue while elaborating the background of the probl em and the potential solutions that can be sought to solve it amicably (Scott, 2001). The immigration lesson plan is designed in a manner that it gives the learners an in-depth perspective on the topic by dispensing a pool of knowledge that is related to the issue of immigration in the world and particularly in America hence helps them to have a higher degree of risk and how experts use the very information and knowledge to formulate relevant policies that will contribute to deal and solve the problem amicably. Furthermore the primary aim of any syllabus is to equip learners with the skills of critical thinking so as they can be able to utilize the knowledge they have acquired in class to devise a solution for the challenges that they face in their environment (Scott, 2001). The immigration lesson touches on the social issues that are predominant in the American society hence the learners are privilege to utilize the skills of thinking critically and making rational decisions in their

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

My daughter smokes Essay Example for Free

My daughter smokes Essay We often think that refering people to supporting groups is enough to quit smoking, however how about if instead we educate them so that they wont even start smoking as walker mention peace on earth begins at home, meaning that we need to educate our children and surrounding about smoking and its concecuenses. Smoking not only causes health problems, it can also cause economic problems, and can harm those around you. Smoking can have many negative impacts regarding your health it can cause bronchitis, pneumonia, and emphysema. According to the center for disease control and prevention smoking causes 1 in 5 strokes in the United States, Menaning that a person that smokes has a higher risk of having a painful and agonizing death compare to a non-smoker person. Smoking can harm not only you but also those arounfd you. People who smoke in public make choicea for others. for example, when you smoke around a 5 year old tou are basically making a choice for them making them a second hand smoker. Also, when you start suffering smoking consequences you dont do it alone because you family will suffer along with you. In addition, smoking can not only cause health problems but economically as well. A packet of cigarettes cost o8.75 an avarage smoker smokes about 2 packets a day, which will make an average of 3200 to 6400 per year.this money can be used for food and or clothing. Also, because of the health problems that smoking will cause, smokers smokers will have to spend a alot of money on health care. In conclusion, we need to educate our familiar, and friends regarding smoking. Smoking its a very additive habit that will make you nicoti e dependent. Therefore when you try to quit it comes with withdrawal symptoms, to avoid withdrawal symtomps from smoking the best choice is to never start. Smoking will not only damege your health it will also damage you economically, and also thos around you.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

AIDS/HIV Research :: essays research papers

AIDS Research All A.I.D.S research should be funded by the government. Today A.I.D.S has become a large concern within society. Sexually active youth are constantly threatened with the chance of getting A.I.D.S.. A.I.D.S is everyone's problem and a cure has to be found. With funding from the government, it will provide the capital necessary for the research to find a cure, to stop the spread of A.I.D.S; eventually bringing down the number of people contracting and spreading the disease. Presently, many people have contracted the A.I.D.S virus, and it has become close to an epidemic. People who are sexually active have this constant threat of the disease looming over their heads. The people that contract the disease are normal people just like you and I. This disease does not favor any race or sexual preference. Many more people than you might believe have this disease, and the thing is many of these people, don't even know that they have the virus. Although many people may consider A.I.D.S research as costly and ineffective it is extremely important as a cure is found. Research requires a lot of funding whether it be private or government funding. This money is exceptionally important, as it provides the equipment, and the peoples salary who are doing the research. The amount of money needed for the research may seem like it is a lot, but it is worth it. It is worth it because if you consider the amount of money that we give to foreign countries to aid their economy we could be using this money to save peoples lives all around the world. People are dieing everyday, and many more are in hospitals; so if we find the cure we will save lives, and get these people who have contracted the disease out of hospitals, and living on their own again. Furthermore, research to stop the spread of A.I.D.S must be done. Meanwhile, in the search for a cure, research has to be done to find better methods of stopping the spread of the disease.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Maman/Louise Bourgeois

Louise, a twelve year old girl drawing missing segments on a tapestry for her parents’ tapestry repair shop lives her life lacking the knowledge of what she is going to be when she grows up. She begins to study math which she loves to do, but she had no idea that her studies had a close association with her exceptional drawing skills. One day, coming home from school, she walks by a tapestry, and begins to reminisce about the times when she had to draw them, so it struck her. She wanted to focus her studies in art. As she began to study art, she soon found out that she also exceeded in painting. She started out small, but her hard work and determination got her to the well-known artist that we know today as Louise Bourgeois, the artist of Maman. Any art piece can have multiple interpretations depending on how you look at it, but knowing the artist’s background will give you a complete understanding of their work of art. In addition, breaking down the artistic terms and one’s interpretation on a work of art are vital and usually different compare to other spectators. Knowing the artists’ background can be quite intriguing because it shows the reason and the process of creating their art, but for Louise Bourgeois’ background, it was straight forward. She was born on Christmas day, December 25, 1911, in Paris, France and now today living in New York at age 98. Her parents anticipated that she will be a boy, and name her Louis Bourgeois after her father’s name. Despite being a girl, she still retained the name, Louise Bourgeois. She is the second oldest of her siblings, but she is actually the third oldest because the first baby died. Her older sister is six year older than her, and her younger brother is one year younger. They lived above a tapestry gallery which belongs to their parents. In 1932 when Louise passed her high school exam, her mother passed away naturally. Family members were a great deal to Louise. Each member of the family has a special part of the family’s role. While studying art and painting art pieces, she met an American art historian, Robert Watergold which she married in 1938. They adopted an orphan boy named Michel which made them move to New York. She felt guilty leaving France, but she wanted to be able to care for the orphan boy. When they moved, she gave birth to two sons in the U. S. Shortly after giving birth, she began her painting career and soon started sculpting abstract sculptures. Her art work was displayed in many museums all over the United States. She regularly exhibited her art work in museums and was an active member of the American abstract artist group. Next, she transformed her paintings into sculptures. An example of such pieces is the sculpture, The Nest in the 1990’s, which is a group of spiders with the mother watching over the little ones. Later she made a giant spider called, Maman and was first displayed outside the Tate Museum of London in 2000. When you walk by Maman, the art piece just captures your attention and draws you in. Once you are in front of this breath taking sculpture. You wonder what is underneath it; how big is it? Well, Maman means mother in French. It was first put on show outside the Tate Museum of London in 2000. The sculpture Maman is a 30 feet tall female spider constructed of stainless steel. The whole sculpture is colored black, and beneath the body, there is a sac attached to the body of the mother spider in which she carries 26 pure white marble representing eggs. In addition, there are eight long thin legs supporting the sculpture to stand up. While assembling the sculpture, Bourgeois paid careful attention to details, such as positioning the legs and detailing the legs in order to attain a well-balanced structure. The sculpture emits a strong aura with all the little details put into it. Besides the original stainless steel version owned by the Tate Museum, London, there are other several brown bronze casts, located at: Kansas City, Canada, Tokyo, Boston, Cuba, and many more. The three main artistic terms are subject matter, content, and artistic form which I will be breaking down in this sculpture. First the subject matter. The sculpture is an image of what appears to be a giant spider with a sac of eggs and eight long thin legs. Secondly, content. The giant spider looks threatening, but the eggs that she embraces in her sac give her a sense of weakness. Louise attached the sac of eggs underneath the spider’s body demonstrating that the spider is more of a mother figure like than a predator. This spider was a tribute to her mother. Ms. Bourgeois said in a statement. â€Å"She was my best friend. Like a spider, my mother was a weaver. Like spiders, my mother was very clever. Spiders are friendly presences that eat mosquitoes. We know that mosquitoes spread diseases and are therefore unwanted. So, spiders are helpful and protective, just like my mother. † (Marie-Laure Bernadac 10) The oversize spider is also frightening which also means pain and fear to some others. So when one walks by, they can reminisce about the old memories of pain or fear. Louise Bourgeois said. â€Å"My sculpture allows me to re-experience the fear, to give it physicality so I am able to hack away at it. Fear becomes a manageable reality. Sculpture allows me to re-experience the past, to see the part in its objective, realistic proportion. † (Marie-Laure Bernadac 8) Finally, artistic form, where she placed the sac of eggs beneath the spider’s body, and the in depth designs on Maman’s legs; especially the size too. From my point of view, I wondered why she made this one so tall compare to all the other spider sculpture she made. Another spider sculpture she made is called The Nest which I have seen in person. The Nest is similar to Maman because Maman has a sac of eggs beneath her, and The Nest has smaller spiders beneath the tallest one in which it is the mother. Since The Nest is about 6 to 8 feet tall, it is saying that we are the predators because it is almost the same height as us. Why does one compare the spider to us you say? It is because we squish them when see them at home. Now she made a bigger and taller sculpture which we all know is Maman; it is saying that we are endanger now if we got too close to her eggs. The size of Maman is saying that who is looking down on whom now? Spiders can make cob webs in the corner and aggravate you. In this case, Maman wants to live her life in peace with her kids, and if you get too close the spider will fight back. Maman is a tribute to her mother because she was not only a mother, but also a best friend. Moreover, her mother was a weaver and was very clever just like a spider. Maman is almost practically a self portrait of Louise’s mother; a protective mother and defend her kids with all her might.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Virgin Suicides Analysis Essay - 2980 Words

Trey Suburbia Declassified Throughout the world of suburbia, there seems to be a persistence of communities who attempt to create a perfect, enclosed world for the whole of the community to live in. By providing for everything that the inhabitants would ever want, suburbia is able to close itself off from those around it that it deems unworthy of belonging. While this exclusivity helps to foster the sense of community, it can also bring with it isolation from the outside, and also from within, and have disastrous results. Throughout the semester, there have been a number of works that have dealt the issue of isolation, but the greatest representation of a work whose physical qualities in its representation of suburbia help to†¦show more content†¦This reenforces the idea that the boys sight is the main determining factor for much of the information they recount, as at they are unable to differentiate the Lisbons until the party, after having known the girls for much of their lives, and also lusting a fter them for almost as long as they have, they are isolated from the girls to such a degree that they are unable to see any difference in them until they are in the same room. Most of the community also associates all the girls with one another and rarely sees any distinguishable differences amongst them. In the section when Trip Fontaine and the other neighborhood boys take the Lisbon girls tot he homecoming dance, they boys realize they cant tell the girls apart. Trip Fontaine, of course, had dibs on Lux, but the other three girls were up for grabs. Fortunately, their dresses and hairdos homogenized them. Once again, the boys werent even sure which girl was which. Instead of asking, they did the only thing they could think of doing: they presented the corsages (117). The boys superficiality is highlighted; the only time in the novel in which the girls are allowed out of the house, they boys are still unable to determine one girl from another. Furthermore, the only way they determ ine who their dates are by simply lining up in front of them with flowers ready. When the remaining Lisbon girls commit suicide at the end of the novel, Mary is the only daughter to survive, andShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Virgin Suicides 799 Words   |  4 PagesThe Virgin Suicides narrates the story of the Lisbon family and the multiple crises they face, particularly acute suicidal risk of all five daughters. 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